Thursday, October 28, 2010

Free Blueprints For Pool Table

4 years - 4 years of Remembrance

Souvenir Princesses

Japanese Femail Torcher

Melissa - Session One child

Photos external Melissa became a charm .... she poses, laughed, grimaced ...
Melissa is a beautiful and cunning child and the final result was beautiful.
I loved shooting this girl!
Oh, Melissa's mom took the opportunity to do some poses with the little daughter ...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gallery Plastic Pants


Children come in different sizes, weights and assorted colors.
They are everywhere, upstairs, downstairs, outside, perched, hanging, falling, running, jumping.
Their parents love it, hate the visits, the sisters and older brothers tolerate them and Heaven protects them.
A child is the true face of dirty, unkempt hair of wisdom, hope to pants off.
has the appetite of the horse, the digestion of an ostrich, the energy of the atomic bomb, the curiosity of the monkey, the lungs of a dictator, the imagination of Jules Verne, the timidity of violet, the audacity spring, the enthusiasm of the squib and has five thumbs on each hand while practicing his reinações.
loves chewing gum, ice cream, strollers, dolls, Easter and Christmas, and enjoys outdoor, water, large animals, cars and airplanes and Sundays. Hate
visits, books without figure, cut their hair, rainy days, bathing and bedtime.
Rise early and is always late for meals. Among his belongings there's always a treasure: a rusty knife, a green fruit bite, a string, two buttons and some marbles, a piece of unknown substance and a rare object that is precious to him by, at most, twenty-four hours.
is a magical creature. You can close the door to him in his room of tools, but not his heart.
can expel her from his office, but not his thought. All its importance and authority crumble before her, that is your jailer, your boss, your love ... It is a noisy and despotic dictator.
But when you come home at night, with hopes, ambitions and shattered nerves, it can replenish them instantly with their magic words: - "Hi Dad, Hi Mom"
Happy Children's Day to all those bits of us that make our life happier !!!!!