Thursday, June 2, 2011

Company Annivesary Speeches For

Stella & Rose - photo frame

order to please my mom does not need any special reason. It is good, if sometimes in the daily flood of cases we can find some time to spend it soon.

Betik show today frame that is made just to think about my mom.

Most additives used in paper and comes from a collection of My Mind's Eye - Stella & Rose - Hazel. Beautifully composed together blues and pinks delight.

cardboard stand at the back allows the frame to put anywhere (in the shop soon to appear in Tim Holtz's punches with such props)

the side of the frame is the place the pop-up tag, where you can write what we want to give my mom, but what is to remain accessible only to her eyes.

wonderfully matched the flowers, of course, Prima - a leading, global producer of flowers for scrapbooking. Types and color palette is so broad that any scraperka find among them something for themselves.

pierce lot here, layers, small things - as always in Betik. Everything matched precisely and perfectly harmonized.

In fact, if someone does not feel confident in composing together the various papers and additives may facilitate the process by focusing on buying papers and accessories from the same collection - they are then perfectly matched to each other, and to create harmonious work well it helps.

And here is used by Betik materials that are available in the shop:


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