Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Marie Ndiaye Three Powerful Women Summary

card for the baptism of flowers with pearls.

Can Brazilian Waxing Stretch The

Results Admission for DT

After the sad news, time for joy. Earlier this month announced a call for scrapki.pl project team. And I was surprised by the huge response from you. Sent their to me so much and such wonderful reports, that was the moment where I said to myself, "I announced a call for something - it is impossible to decide whom to accept DT !!!". I read every report with great care. I watched Your blogs and photos sent to work. I am absolutely impressed by how many talented scraperek in Poland.

I still say that to make a choice was really very difficult, and that greatly thank all of you for sending your application. And now the results.

scrapki.pl design team from tomorrow, will increase by one, a great personality scrapbookingową.

with great joy that we welcome in our midst Enczę!

I think most of us have visited more or less regularly Enczy blog - it has its own very distinctive style, which many of us loves to watch. Here's the silhouette Enczy .

Scrapbooking discovered three years ago, and since the first moment I knew that engulf me completely. Working with paper, an infinite number of possibilities for use, to the mass of marvelous flowers, stamps, various additives and formulations that allow for the creation of exceptional work. My basic working tool, in addition to the paper which I love, is a sewing machine. Each work must be even kissed a small stitch and I have created a proper foundation, you can go crazy. Starting any work I never plan will look like, even if a rise outline, and so far removed from the final result. I do not have one favorite style. Still trying new techniques, preview another talented scraperki and I'm still learning.
Scrapbooking is my little escape from reality Once only for myself, this is my little world to which I also had the opportunity to invite you.
Scrapki Call for DT is a great honor for me, for which I thank you.

I'm very glad that Anne join our team. Soon we will show to our blog, prepared by the first inspiration for the shop Enczę scrapki.pl.


And tomorrow - the second part information on the results of recruitment to the DT. Please check our blog:) Have a nice evening


Ideal Muscles Percentage Bodybuilders

gift set - band and paper

Did you not have a gift idea for a little girl? This casual, birthday, well the girls a gift, in whose sight every little lady eyes shine like diamonds and the face on the floor laughing? Me a few times it happened, when it rose, announced at the last minute, she was invited to the birthday of one of her girlfriends. Then together we tried to find a solution to digging in maminych scrapowych przydasiach. This hand-made gift is something extremely valuable, especially if you take it helps us offspring, or that we - we help him:)

today I'd like to show you a great thing related to ambiguous previously described the events might save - database headbands Prima. They are velvet, nothing adorned headbands, perfectly fitting to small heads, to secure "confidants." Until they ask is to be zalterować! The easiest way is to stick with the glue gun with hot few decorations - ribbons, flowers, trinkets - the whole process runs ekspresowo decorating and the effect is always unique and impossible to forge:)

I this band embellished naklejając first tape in ecru, and at her - beautiful flowers Prima - Prima - Liliput Roses - Lemon and Prima - Melody - Gianna Collections.

The same flowers were on a sheet of commemorative, which is a set of gift along with the band - I created it with the help, sweet papers from the collection of Crate Paper - Emma's Shoppe and Neighborhood , with the latter also used elements such as a bird, bee and frame window.

I think the same - light, sweet and really do not nastręczający any difficulties in implementation - set many a young lady will enjoy gift;) My has a few similar bands hair Made by mom, a card similar to the one presented today - together we are trying to do for every child the opportunity that happens to us to celebrate:) I encourage you to play with children and to alterowania bands, child's play thing, and if at the same time fun!


Here are the products which it has used Karolcia :


our blog posts in this space usually come to an end. But this time it will be different. Well, with great regret to convey to you the information that our wonderful Karolcia leave the ranks of DT scrapki.pl

all know how busy and in demand by manufacturers around the world, the designer is Charles. How many people said about it and writes - our national pride scrapbookingowa . But the day is not the time to stretch the rubber and is impossible, in view of the constantly expanders karolcia responsibilities, it has failed to reconcile everything. I think we all admire Charles, for her talent, enthusiasm in action, a smile, and that we have grown accustomed to the inspiration that appear on your blog scrapki.pl, which were created by Karolcia. Sometimes, however, such moments come when you have to make difficult decisions.

Thank you Caroline for co-creating our DT, for the wonderful work which inspirowałaś on our blog, for their commitment, for the fact that you are a continual source of ideas and that his energy to work out of others. Working with you is a real pleasure and honor to both.

not always know how to separate work from personal relationships - and the same is true right now. Because friends with Karolcia, so anything will do, any project is not taken, I'll keep my fingers crossed for her. Fortunately, we have constant contact with each other and our relationship with her passing DT scrapki not change anything, but it does not diminish my grief of parting with Charles as a designer store.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Drinking Urine Of My Sister


Two different, each according to the style of the invitation (which he published already);)

Islamic Messages At Weddings

Communion card for the 50th anniversary

name I Grapes due paper with vine motif. Like climate of green-brown sheets. I think they are quite elegant and fit for the 50th birthday.

Curtailment 4187 Sample

News - October Afternoon, 7gypsies, Glitz and supplement Pink Paislee

large dose of news today - as they say, something nice for everyone:) I am also scraperką, so I know very well what it feels scraperka looking at a beautiful collection:) So, without unnecessary admission - this is news.

OCTOBER Afternoon

latest collection 5 & Dime

Mature, but beautiful Fly a Kite


Thrift Shop

Modern Homemaker


7 Gypsies

The latest, inspired by Greece, Mykonos collection


Full collection Kismet

Stamps, rubonsy and stickers from the collection Couture Distressed and Vintage Love .

Pink Paislee

long-awaited addition to the three collections - Butterfly Garden, Daily Junque and Hometown Summer

Have a nice shopping tomorrow and welcome to our blog:)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mc Announcements For Company Anniversary

Acknowledgement Communion photo birthday card

photo printed in sepia. The set was also billets.