Saturday, May 28, 2011

Griha Pravesam Invitation

Madeline - robin minki Hani

Today's inspiration is drawn up by the green eyed as for the unusual green-form - a mini album about her daughter under the eloquent title "Minkie Hani:) The whole was prepared on the basis of ... old children's books:) has earned a second life as a wonderful album.

green eyed
used mainly papers and accessories from the collection of Madeline Prima . All beautifully with each other compose and give it the old sweetness "- as I like to define: D All the items in brown paper and imitating add rigidity and wiekowości, and all is rosy sweet girlishness in the most beautiful form.

Here and there are hidden pictures in the form of tags.

ribbons tied around them great help in their removal.

On some pages, a place were lovely, velvety rubonsy from the same collection, as the securities - that is Madeliny Prima. Applied to them just like the classic rubonsy (or spatula, stick, or just something hard, like decals), but they mellow down on himself.

True, Hania is sweet? Such minki necessarily require perpetuation. And I, as a big fan of small albumików, watch this one is the nth time:)

Here are the materials used by Green eyed :


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